2024-25 AWANA Registration Form Parent / Guardian Name First Last Email Address Street Address Address Line 2 PhoneAlternate PhoneEmergency Contact Person First Last Relationship to StudentEmergency Contact Person PhoneConsent Consent and ReleaseI give consent for my child/children listed below to attend the Awana program sponsored by Boardman First Baptist Church for the 2020/2021 school year. I understand the nature of active club meetings and do hereby release Boardman First Baptist Church and its representatives from any liability due to accident or injury incurred by my child.SignatureFirst Child Information1st Child's Name First Last AgeGradeBirthdate MM slash DD slash YYYY Shirt size small medium large x-large xx-large Food Allergies Yes No If Food Allergy, please list:Medical Concerns: Yes No If yes to Medical Concern, please identify:Second Child Information2nd Child's Name First Last AgeGradeBirthdate MM slash DD slash YYYY Shirt size small medium large x-large xx-large Food Allergies Yes No If Food Allergy, please list:Medical Concerns: Yes No If yes to Medical Concern, please identify:Third Child Information3rd Child's Name First Last AgeGradeBirthdate MM slash DD slash YYYY Shirt size small medium large x-large xx-large Food Allergies Yes No If Food Allergy, please list:Medical Concerns: Yes No If yes to Medical Concern, please identify:Church Affiliation:Person who may pick up the child(ren): First Last 2nd Person who may pick up the child(ren): First Last I am interested in volunteering Yes No Need Financial Assistance Call Email Please have the commander or pastor contact me about financial assistance for our AWANA participation.The fee for AWANA is $35 per child up to 3 children. 4 or more is the same as paying for 3 ($105). You may pay at the door, or pay online. We are asking you to cover the transaction fee for online payments (because our margin is very close too actual costs). Please select you preferred payment approach below.AWANA Registration fee(s) Price: Quantity123+Total Payment planpaying at the churchpaying onlineCredit CardCAPTCHA