Classes Articles
Deliver Us from Evil – week 1
Zechariah – Chapter 3
This is the third chapter for our Zechariah study. We spend all of our time in the fourth vision of the eight that...
Zechariah – Chapters 1 and 2
This is week two in Zechariah. This evening we looked at the first of the eight visions that the prophet had. These...
Zechariah – Introduction
This was our first week in Zechariah. Zechariah is the second to last book in the Old Testament. The prophet began his...
Zephaniah 3:9-20 – Last class on Zephaniah
This was our last Thursday night class on Zephaniah. However, it is the first one that was recorded. So we did a quick...
Biblical Background of Salvation
The Biblical Background of SalvationWhat does the Bible mean by salvation? How was the term used and understood in...
Salvation Defined
Salvation DefinedThe Bible focuses on salvation as the purpose of God. It involves much more than what happens when we...
The Issue
The IssueThere is a surprising misunderstanding of what it means to be saved in Christianity today, and an equal...
The Trinity Quiz
The quiz below is designed to refresh your memory on what you just read. Thank you for reading through the material....