Salvation DefinedThe Bible focuses on salvation as the purpose of God. It involves much more than what happens when we...
Essentials of the Christian Faith Articles
The Issue
The IssueThere is a surprising misunderstanding of what it means to be saved in Christianity today, and an equal...
The Trinity Quiz
The quiz below is designed to refresh your memory on what you just read. Thank you for reading through the material....
What the Trinity teaches us
What the Trinity Teaches UsThe truth that God is one in three has a profound impact on the way that we relate to Him....
The Trinity in Scripture
The Trinity in ScriptureMost people are comfortable with the idea of seeing God as three persons in the New Testament....
Understanding the Trinity
Understanding the TrinityChristians, like Muslims and Jews are monotheists. That is, we believe there is only one God....
For Further Reading
For Further ReadingWould you like to read more on the topics presented?The links below will take you to other...
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Jesus is God Quiz
The quiz below is designed to refresh your memory on what you just read. Thank you for reading through the material....
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Why do we have the Nicene Creed?I believe... And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of...
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When did the Church Believe Jesus is God?Many today argue that the early church did not believe that Jesus was God....
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Why We Need This StudyOne-third of American Christians who state that they believe in the Bible do not believe what...